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Bright pastels - LMFF

Lovely, no? The longer jacket is nice, the colours just pop! Simple, summery, yet not the least boring.

Summer still - Paddington

Although it’s already mid March, but looking at these lovely girls, it still does look and feel like summer here. Indeed the last few days have been not just warm, but hot, with sudden summer rain storms that makes the street a gorgeous shiny gleam and is gone as sudden as it came.

Summer still - Paddington

Summer still - Paddington

I love those gladiators! It’s true what Garance said, that the footwear these seasons are very S&M, but surely a little pain won’t hurt for something that looks so good. I really like how the girl paired it with a simple white dress with an innocent feel, great juxtaposition.

That crop jacket! I’ve been looking for one since the beginning of summer, but I guess I haven’t been looking in the right places. And that wonderful colourful and checkered skirt! It’s so summer. So enjoy it while it lasts folks.